Over 200 years
of know-how

Resulting from the merger between Fichet (locksmithing specialist) and Bauche (fire protection specialist), our company history goes back almost 200 years. The respective inventions of founders Alexandre Fichet and Auguste-Nicolas Bauche were landmarks in the history of security and firefighting. Their engineering genius and perseverance is what made Fichet-Bauche a key player in the security world.

Opening of the first Fichet locksmith in Paris in 1825

1825 Our company history begins to take shape when Alexandre Fichet opens his first locksmith shop in Paris in 1825.

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1829 1829 marks a crucial turning point in the history of locks: Fichet creates the first non-pickable pump lock (patent no. 3883 issued on 29th March 1829). Answering only to a specially adjusted key, this lock featured mobile pistons and a relocker. It established the general principle of unpickable locks, only in need of further improvements.

Fichet creates the first unpickable pump lock
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1840 In 1840, Fichet creates his first modern fireproof safe: a double-walled steel safe with a FICHET key lock. Understanding the growing importance of safes in the field of security, the inventor later never ceased to develop the technology of locks to make them more and more efficient.

Fichet creates his first modern fireproof safe
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Henri Bauche, owner of a refractory brick factory, starts building safes in Gueux in the Marne (51)

1864 Firebrick factory owner Henri Bauche starts building safes in Gueux (eastern France). His designs were unique with both innovative choice of materials and new assembly methods. Instead of a wooden box covered with sheet metal or iron bands, Bauche created safes comprising two seamless iron boxes, bolted and riveted together, with refractory material placed in between.

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1967 In 1967, after many years at the forefront of their respective sectors, Fichet and Bauche merged and transferred their activities to a single factory in Reims. A great name in the safe industry was born, joining forces to produce safes, fire-resistant and other security cabinets and many of the most sought-after security solutions on the market.

The companies Fichet and Bauche merge and transfer their activities to the Reims factory

Trust, with determination.

We offer more than just property protection systems to our clients: our business is based on their trust and peace of mind.

A business where knowledge, expertise and experience are used to achieve concrete results and high performance. Trust is key to all activities: we are determined to rely on solid and lasting relationships between our sales staff, distributors and clients—based on a combination of real listening, reactivity and resourcefulness.

Excellence, with responsibility.

Always uncompromising about the quality of our products, materials and locks, we are committed to maintaining our historical position as a reference and leader in the market.

Hence strict demands we always comply with but never to the detriment of our CSR commitments. We always take the more sustainable approaches to our production methods and purchases, to recycling of our materials, to saving energy and to fostering eco-design for our products. We act with balance and responsibility.